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Entwickler internrocket, inc.

This app was de­signed to help you find your life’s calling. The first step to understanding what you were meant to do is to experiment with work you’re interested in using chal­lenges, mi­cro in­tern­ships and/or job shadows. Don’t see exactly what you’re looking for posted on internrocket yet? No problem, on internrocket you can pitch things like job shadows and internships to employers!
Once your ca­reer con­fi­dence is boost­ed and you’ve gained some skills and experience, the al­go­rithm shifts to start match­ing you with longer term opportunities like apprenticeships and jobs.
Op­por­tu­ni­ties on in­tern­rock­et:
- chal­lenges
- job shad­ows
- mi­cro-in­tern­ships
- in­tern­ships
- apprenticeships
- part time jobs
- full time jobs
FEA­TURES for candidates
1. Cre­ate a free ac­count
2. Pow­er­ful search fea­tures
3. Get your top match­es for free
4. One click ap­ply to in­tern­ships, chal­lenges, mi­cro-in­tern­ships, job shad­ows, part-time and full-time jobs.
5. Di­rect mes­sage com­pa­nies with ques­tions about op­por­tu­ni­ties.
6. Cus­tomize no­ti­fi­ca­tions for in­stant notif­ication of awe­some op­por­tu­ni­ties
7. Work in­tern­ships through com­ple­tion right on the app
8. Earn re­views and ref­er­ences to build your re­sume
9. Add video to your pro­file
10. Take control and create your own posting then pitch them to companies!

FEA­TURES for em­ploy­ers
1. Cre­ate a free ac­count
2. Post job shadows, chal­lenges, mi­cro in­tern­ships, internships, apprenticeships, part-time and full-time op­por­tu­ni­ties.
3. Pow­er­ful search fea­tures for re­cruit­ing
4. Com­pare can­di­dates with one click hir­ing
5. Di­rect mes­sage can­di­dates and in­terns
6. Cus­tomize no­ti­fi­ca­tions for in­stant notif­ication of can­di­dates that match your postings
7. In­tern­ships pro­gram dash­board; see all open post­ings and their cur­rent sta­tus from one dash­board so you know what needs your at­ten­tion at a glance. Man­age your whole in­tern­ship pro­gram from one place. Post op­por­tu­ni­ties, com­pare and mes­sage can­di­dates, one click hire, and work the in­tern­ship through com­ple­tion with re­views and rat­ings all in one place.
8. De­part­ments and mul­ti­ple ad­mins; ide­al for an in­tern­ship pro­gram that doesn’t bur­den your team. Any­one in your com­pa­ny can cre­ate post­ings, com­pare can­di­dates, one click hire, and man­age their in­terns all the way through the com­ple­tion of the in­tern­ship, chal­lenge, mi­cro-in­tern­ship, men­tor­ship, job shad­ow or con­tract job.
9. Cre­ate post­ing with mul­ti­ple po­si­tions avail­able and fill more slots quick­er and eas­i­er.
10. Ad­vanced match­ing based on where the can­di­date is at in their ca­reer con­fi­dence life cy­cle. If you’re us­ing an in­tern­ship pro­gram as a pipe­line for your next hire, it’s great to know the can­di­date is con­fi­dent that they love what you do.